Thursday, 28 March 2013

collecting and reviewing results!

A common theme about childhood was books and reading, this has given me thought to continue with the idea of fiction and Roald dahl illustrations.
Another theme that popped up which I hadn't thought of was music, such as 90's pop, would be interesting to see how I could link this into my work.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

surveying people

So I have decided to do a short survey about childhood, to gain some insight into common themes. I haven't entirely decided what I am doing with the results yet but I think some of the information I have gained is very interesting and helpful to broadening my ideas.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

other influences- museums/themeparks

Every year at Easter time my family head down to Cornwall to stay for a couple of weeks, this is definitely one of my favourite childhood memories and annual traditions. Looking back and trying to remember things to focus on with my art work I suddenly remembered visiting the Flambards Victorian village, it's almost like a walk through museum that transports you back in time with wax figures placed within the buildings, old fashioned sweet shops and Pharmacies. Streets that stunk of horse manure and the smells of fresh bread pouring out of the houses. One thing that really grabbed my attention was the idea that  placing artificial smells through a museum could create an atmosphere that makes you believe you are really there. It would be really cool if I could incorporate this into my final major project. Being able to make smells trigger memories.

Monday, 18 March 2013


Final major project time! I've decided I want to look back at childhood memories, feelings, sounds, smells and tastes and I'm really starting to take inspiration from fictional characters such as charlie and the chocolate factory.

Friday, 15 March 2013

I had to be careful suspending my latex sheet from the top of my booth to ensure I didn't fall and I also had to get help from my class mates to peel the sheet from the plastic it was created on. Using talcum powder helped the sheet hang without sticking together although it made it more opaque I like the effect it has, almost tuning the latex into a silky fabric.

Planning where to place the sheet I looked a few different surfaces, on the light box, against a window, I also experimented with both dark and light backgrounds. Finally I decided that having a white wall behind it gave the best balance of light and colour.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

latex sheets

My final design took influence from the agar jelly and petri dish ideas, I created a latex sheet which I had coloured with brusho and ink, I had also trapped bits of cotton and thread in it whilst it was drying, I love my end piece. The areas of transparency really add a great affect and although the sheet is thin the latex is extremely strong. I plan to suspended this in the air using transparent fishing wire so it looks as if it is floating.